Arterial Blood Pressure, Normal Blood Pressure Values And Ranges

Arterial Blood Pressure And Its Normal Ranges

What is Arterial Blood Pressure/Blood Pressure?
"Lateral pressure exerted by the coulmn of blood on the walls of arteries in each heart beat"

Arterial Blood Pressure is expressed in four different terms:

1.Diastolic Pressure
2.Systolic Pressure
3.Pulse Pressure
4.Mean Arterial Pressure

Here I will go through each of the term one by one.
1. Diastolic Blood Pressure/Diastolic Pressure
"Minimum pressure exerted on the walls of arteries during diastole of heart(filling phase)"

Normal values for diastolic blood pressure
▪60mmHg-80mmHg(Normal range)

So, you need not to worry 60-80mmHg Diastolic Blood Pressure is all normal. 

2. Systolic Blood Pressure/Systolic Pressure
"Maximum pressure exerted on the wall of arteries during systole of heart(contraction of heart)"

Normal Values for Systolic Blood Pressure
▪110-140mmHg(Normal range)

3. Pulse Pressure
"Pressure difference between Systolic Blood Pressure and Diastolic Blood Pressure"

Normal Values:
Pulse pressure= Systolic pressure - Diastolic pressure
Pulse pressure= 120-80
And this equals to 40mmHg, So
Pulse pressure=40mmHg 

4. Mean Arterial Blood Pressure:
 "It is the average pressure with which tissue perfused during Cardiac cycle"
"It is the average pressure existing in the arteries"
It is the diastolic pressure + 1/3 of pulse pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure= 93mmHg 
