Variation in Normal Blood Pressure Values And Ranges(Part2)

Variation in Normal Blood Pressure Values And Ranges 
 There are various variations in normal blood pressure due to various factors. This includes:
1. Physiological Variations and
2.Pathological Variations
Physiological Variations were discussed in the previous blog. Click here to get to read them. And If you don't know what blood pressure really is, don't worry click here to get to my previous blog where it was discussed in detail.
So, Let's move to discuss our subject.

Pathological Variation Of Arterial Blood Pressure.

This includes Hypertension and Hypotension and peripheral factors.
Hypertension and Hypotension are all separate lengthy topics that I will discuss in my upcoming blogs. In this, we will look through Peripheral factors.

Peripheral factors that cause variation in blood pressure.
This includes.
1. Peripheral Resistance
"It is the resistance offered to the blood flow by arterioles at the periphery"
It is an important factor in maintaining diastolic pressure. Peripheral resistance is directly proportional to diastolic blood pressure. An increase or decrease in peripheral resistance directly affects diastolic blood pressure.

2.Blood Volume
Blood pressure is directly proportional to blood volume. An increase or decrease in blood volume directly affects the blood pressure. An abnormal increase in blood volume results in a condition called polycythemia. 

3.Venous Return 
Blood pressure is directly proportional to venous return.

5. Velocity Of Blood Flow
The pressure in a blood vessel is directly proportional to the velocity of blood flow.

6.Viscosity Of Blood
Viscosity is directly proportional to arterial blood pressure.

7.Diameter Of Blood Vessels
The diameter of blood vessels is inversely proportional to arterial blood pressure.

8.The elasticity of blood vessels
Elasticity of blood is inversely proportional to arterial blood pressure. Due to the elastic property of blood vessels they are distensible and are able to maintain blood pressure.
