Variation in Normal Blood Pressure Values And Ranges (Part1)

Variation in Normal Blood Pressure Values And Ranges:
There are various variation in normal blood pressure due to various factors. This includes:
1. Physiological Variations and
2.Pathological Variations
Incase you are not familiar with Blood Pressure, you can check out my previous blog where I explained "Blood Pressure" in detail.
Just click on "blog" you will get there.

What are physiological variations in the normal blood pressure?

1. Sex 
In females, up to the period of menopause, the arterial pressure is low (upto 5mmHg) as compared to the males of same age. After menopause, the pressure in females becomes equal to that in males of same age.

2. Body Built
The pressure is more in obese persons than in lean persons.

4. Diurnal Variation 
In early morning, the normal blood pressure is slightly low. It graually increases and reaches the maximum at noon. so, our normal blood pressure is highest at noon then it gradually decreases in evening.

5. After Meals
The arterial blood pressure is increased for few hours after meal due to increase in cardiac output.

6. During Sleep
Usually, the pressure is reduced upto 15-20mmHg during deep sleep. However it increases slightly during sleep associated with dreams.

7. Emotional Conditions
During excitement and anxiety, the blood pressure is increased due to release of adrenaline.

8. Exercise
After moderate exercise, systolic blood pressure increases by 20-30mmHg above the basal level due to increase in force of contraction and stroke volume. Normally, diastolic pressure is not affected by moderate exercise.
Why the diastolic blood pressure is not affected by moderate exercise?
Because the diastolic pressure depends upon peripheral resistance, which is not altered by moderate exercise.
Variation of blood pressure by severe muscular exercise:
After severe muscular exercise, the systolic pressure rises by 40-50mmHg above the basal level But the diastolic pressure reduces because the peripheral resistance decreases in severe muscular exercises.
Pathological Variations in Normal Blood Pressure is discussed in next blog. Just click here, you will get there.
